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  • openedpandorabox@gmail.com
  • In the Box
Teaching Thursdays
Is it a crime to date someone aesthetically pleasing?

Is it a crime to date someone aesthetically pleasing?

I feel as I look at my past, I have dated guys who were plain ugly for some reason or another. Maybe I thought they were nice, maybe the sex was nice, or maybe I took pity on them.

I want to date someone that is super attractive, semi-muscular, good hair, clear eyes, and good skin. And looks super cute. a super good smile. All the cute features. Everyone wants to date someone who is good-looking, which makes me feel better. Maybe it doesn’t have to be all those features, but maybe they should want to take of themselves and care about themselves inside and out.

Am I being shallow?

Absolutely! I’m looking at appearance more than actual personality features. That is the definition of being shallow. But I think deserve it! After dating all these ugly guys with arguably ugly personalities? I think I can get someone prettier with a decent personality in the end. I feel like a lot of pretty people I met, have decent personalities. People say uglier guys are nicer, but I starting to feel like that is untrue. They ugly and they personalities need some work too. That’s probably why they are ugly too.

If I’m looking at guys, I have to be shallow. I think girls are prettier than guys most of the time. Have better personalities too XD

So if a guy who I don’t find attractive comes up to me, I’m just going to say, I don’t find you attractive and avoid them at all costs. Part of my personality is afraid of making people feel bad by rejecting them, but I think it’s 2023 and I need to reject anyone who isn’t going to help me. Maybe I should send them this article.

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