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Teaching Tuesdays
Are Washcloths better than Loofas?

Are Washcloths better than Loofas?

This is one of my favorite debates of all time. It’s so mundane, but do you guys use washcloths?? The washcloth vs no washcloth debate can get people into large arguments in terms of how clean and civilized you are.

I’m personally on the washcloth side. You can change your washcloth every day or every few days. It also gets that dirt out of your skin. But people also claim that washcloths are harsh on your skin, but I think loufas are hard on your skin because they are straight plastics.  You also should wash your loufa and washcloth often, and make sure it is dry so it doesn’t get moldy.

I honestly don’t understand why someone would not use a loofah or a washcloth because you are literally wasting so much soap. You lose soap every time you put it on your hand and you have to keep on putting on extra. When I go to someone’s house and they don’t give me a washcloth, I try to put the soap on my hands and it’s gone in 2 seconds? It’s such a waste. At least the soap stays in the loofah or washcloth and doesn’t get lost.

I heard that using washcloths messes up your skin because it’s so rough. I don’t believe that’s true, what kind of washcloths are you buying? Dollar Tree? It shouldn’t rough up your skin. You also shouldn’t be rubbing your skin until you feel abrasions either, so I do not know whose fault that is.

In conclusion, both sides have their pros and cons, but you are losing more soap if you are just putting it in your hands, so you might as well use something.


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